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5 Simple Tips on Preparing Your Home for the Holidays

September 25, 2018 2 min read

5 Simple Tips on Preparing Your Home for the Holidays

The holiday season is just around the corner, and that means opening up your home to friends and family. If you’re worried about preparing your home for the inevitable visits, don’t be. Setting the perfect holiday mood doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are 5 simple tips to help you prepare your home for the holiday season.

  1. Start by picking a theme (and stick with it!)

Before you start putting up any décor you can get your hands on, consider settling on a theme or a color scheme first. Pairing gold or silver with classic holiday colors like red or green is a safe bet, but if you’re feeling adventurous, you can try other colors as well. What matters is that you achieve a consistent look throughout your home.

  1. Pay extra attention to the dinner table

The dinner table is where your guests will be spending most of their time, so you’ll want to take the time and effort to put together a great dining experience. You’ll want to use decorative objects that allow for comfortable conversations between guests across the table, while making sure that there’s enough space for serving platters.

  1. Don’t forget the bathroom

Photo Credit: JSF Store

The bathroom is sure to be a high-traffic zone, so make sure to turn it into a space that will make your guests feel pampered. Place some small flower arrangements on the toilet tank or the vanity. Spend a little extra on special soaps and hand cream. Make sure the hand towels are displayed neatly, and for that extra touch of ambiance, place a scented candle in the bathroom.

  1. Have enough seats for everybody

You’ll want your guests to have plenty of seats where they can comfortably sip their holiday drink while conversing. At the same time, keep in mind that you have to group the seats in a way that will allow everyone to move around easily. Place tables in strategic areas so no one has to worry about where they’ll put down their food or drinks.

  1. Lighten up

To create that warm and cozy atmosphere, turn down your regular lighting and let the holiday lights take over. Add to the festive atmosphere by putting up some custom ornaments, like Vintage Marquee Light Signs from The Rusty Marquee’s holiday collection! You can even ask for a custom made marquee light sign so you can complete that perfect holiday look.